Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting the header value from the request when working with Rest with WCF


We maintain in Corporate id in header of request.

IncomingWebRequestContext request = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest;
int corporateId = Convert.ToInt32(request.Headers["corporateID"]);

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eample for using Dictionary and Keyvalue pair

Dictionary templateFields = new Dictionary();
templateFields.Add("Key1", "Value1");
templateFields.Add("Key2", "Value2");
templateFields.Add("Key3", "Value3");

foreach (KeyValuePair indexPair in templateFields)
StringBuilder bodyMessage = new StringBuilder
bodyMessage = bodyMessage.Replace(indexPair.Key, indexPair.Value);

Embedded Images into HTML format mail in .Net


To send the HTML format mail in .Net Environment with images and more stuff like hyper links. For that purpose create a Html page with your all requirements but in place of image tag just place like this.

and suppose you have a requirement like add values to variables dynamically, on that time you need write custom code to achevive that requiremets. In our project we did like this.

IP Address : $IpAddress

Username : $Email

Password : $Password

what are the values are comming dynamically for that variables you mention as $ before that.(see the above).

In our C# code you need to create dictionary object, and assigne values to those variables.

Dictionary templateFields = new Dictionary();
templateFields.Add("$Email", login.Email); // Login.Email is our own variable.
templateFields.Add("$Password", paas your desired value);
templateFields.Add("$IpAddress", paas your desired value);

Now you need to open the html and read the contents and write into StreamReader.

StringBuilder bodyMessage = new StringBuilder();
string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/email.htm");
StreamReader ContentReader = File.OpenText(filePath);
Match mailSubject = Regex.Match(bodyMessage.ToString(), @"(?<=)([\s\S]*)(?=)");
sendData.Subject = mailSubject.ToString();
foreach (KeyValuePair indexPair in templateFields)
bodyMessage = bodyMessage.Replace(indexPair.Key, indexPair.Value);

Now get the Images paths from server.
string serverImagePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/fsboForPhoto.jpg");

basing on that image path create you create a AlternateView and add to your Mail message.

AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(Body, null, "text/html");

// Use Linked Resource class for storing image in the form binary code.
LinkedResource imagelink = new LinkedResource(serverImagePath, "image/jpeg");
imagelink.ContentId = "imageId";
imagelink.TransferEncoding = System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Base64; //It is so Importent


That's it.

My code for the above eample.

Html Page:

IP Address : $IpAddress

Username : $Email

Password : $Password

Click here to login

Copyright © 2009 All Rights Reserved.

C#.Net Function:

public ActionResult ForgotPassword(LoginViewModel login)

Title("FSBO Homes For Sale By Owner Real Estate Listings For Sale By Owner at");

if (Session["Captcha"].ToString() == Request.Form["captchaText"])

BS.UserBS user = new BusinessServices.UserBS();
Users users = user.ForgotPassword(login.Email);
if (users != null)
if (users.Password != null)
// Get the IP address of the system where request is comming
string address = string.Empty;
address = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
// check if the request doesnt have forward remote address
if (address == null (address != null && address.Length < address =" HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["> templateFields = new Dictionary();
templateFields.Add("$Email", login.Email);
templateFields.Add("$Password", users.Password);
templateFields.Add("$IpAddress", address);

MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
MailAddress mailaddress = new MailAddress(login.Email);
BS.MailBS mailBs = new BusinessServices.MailBS();
// Get the physical path of the HTML file.
string mailFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/email.htm");
// Get the physical path of the Image file.
string serverImagePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/fsboForPhoto.jpg");

string Body = mailBs.ComposeMessageTemplate(mail, templateFields, mailFilePath);
// Create a Alternative view using body of the mail for Image purpose
AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(Body, null, "text/html");

// Use Linked Resource class for storing image in the form binary code.
LinkedResource imagelink = new LinkedResource(serverImagePath, "image/jpeg");
imagelink.ContentId = "imageId";
imagelink.TransferEncoding = System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Base64;

mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();

ViewData["MailMsg"] = "Your Password sent to your mail";
ViewData["MailMsg"] = "Invalid email Id";
else {
ViewData["MailMsg"] = "Invalid email Id";

ViewData["CaptchaMsg"] = "Invalid Captcha answer";

return View("ForgotPassword");


ComposeMessageTemplate Function:

public string ComposeMessageTemplate(T sendData, Dictionary templateFields, string templatePath)
StringBuilder bodyMessage = new StringBuilder();


//if (!loadedTemplates.ContainsKey(sendData.TemplateName))
string filePath = templatePath;
StreamReader ContentReader = File.OpenText(filePath);
Match mailSubject = Regex.Match(bodyMessage.ToString(), @"(?<=)([\s\S]*)(?=)");
sendData.Subject = mailSubject.ToString();


foreach (KeyValuePair indexPair in templateFields)
bodyMessage = bodyMessage.Replace(indexPair.Key, indexPair.Value);

//sendData.Body = bodyMessage.ToString();

//sendData.MailSubject =
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

return bodyMessage.ToString();

Main things you need to concentarte are
Server.MapPath("~/Content/email.htm"); // to get the file or image from the Server using our URL.
AlternateView class used add MailMessage for separe view.

LinkedResource imagelink = new LinkedResource(serverImagePath, "image/jpeg");
imagelink.ContentId = "imageId";
imagelink.TransferEncoding = System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Base64;//Convert JPEG into binary fromat
LinkedResource class is used to embbed into mail by converting JPEG into binary.

Get the IP address of the browser in.Net

string address = string.Empty;
address = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
// check if the request doesnt have forward remote address
if (address == null || (address != null && address.Length < 1))
address = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];